Hey you! Thank you so much for visiting my website. My name is Sophia, and I am the woman behind Laleki. This business was established in early 2024; however, I have been working behind the scenes for a lot longer than that. Over the past few years, I have been reading loads (and I mean loads!) of books about the law of attraction and manifestation. From this, I have been able to manifest sooo many good things into my life like my husband, my own property, pay-rises and bonuses and now I will soon be delivering a healthy baby girl into the world. I am so passionate about journaling that sometimes I will read through my old journals to remind myself of all the things I have visualised and wanted to come true, and have!

I have always wanted to help others and also be my own boss, and I thought what better way to achieve this than by creating something that will help other women achieve their dreams? I am so passionate about helping other women out there, but its taken a little while for me to figure out how. I would like to say I am quite tech-savvy and quite creative, and so I have combined those two skills to help me accomplish something I have wanted to do for a very long time.

I hope my website and products bring you joy and will help you achieve what I have and more!